lördag 9 januari 2010


Jag skulle vilja påstå att det är en konst att finna det rätta nagellacket. Kulören måste vara rätt, penseln måste vara jämn och varken för tjock eller smal, lacket måste ha rätt konsistents, inte för tunt och inte för tjockt-man vill ju inte se ut som om man klämt fingrarna i en dörr.
Det perfekta nagellacket fann jag på Urban Outfitters, dess karaktär överensstämmer med alla ovannämnda positiva kriterier. Färgen ärggrönt kan kanske verka lite klurigt, men det är det absolut inte.
I would allege that it is an art form to find the right nail polish. The colour must be right, the brush must have even straws and not be too thick, nor too thin, it is crucial that the varnish have the consistency, not too watery or too thick- when painted one doesn´t want to look like been slamming the doors on the fingers.
I found the perfect nail polish at Urban Outfitters, it´s character is cogruent to the positive above mentioned criteria.The colour, verdigris green might seem a bit tricky, but it´s not.

6 kommentarer:

  1. OH MY GOSH! I completely agree! It's so difficult to find the perfect nail polish! Uo has the best! I just hate how they make your nails yellow after prolonged use. :( Follow me, please? <33

  2. That nail polish is unbelievable (:

    And I totally agree; I'm a self-professed nail polish junkie, and very picky about the varnishes' brushes, consistency, and color. I have yet to find the perfect teal-aqua-green-blue shade like the one in the photograph!

    La C.

  3. That is a very nice color, it reminds me of 'Greenport' by Essie. I'm very picky with nail polish, pretty much the only ones I will wear are OPI and China Glaze, everything else chips off way too easily! How long do the Urban Outfitter's polishes last for without chipping? And as a response to Melanie being annoyed with the yellowing of nails(drives me crazy too), use a base coat! Using a base coat helps sooo much to stop them from turning yellow.


  4. sv: tack :-) ja, visst är den fin!
    åh vad jag vill ha det där nagellacket...
