tisdag 29 december 2009


Jag hade stämt kafferep med en gammal vän. Vi gick till Yerba, ett kafé där föreståndaren bär ett litet förkläde och tycker om att prata om kaffe och thé i minst fyra timmar samtidigt som han drar i sin mustasch.
Today I met up with a friend for a coffee party. We went to a café called Yerba, where the owner wears a tiny apron and like to talk about coffee and tea for at least four hours at the same time as he pulls his mustasche.

Vi drack minst tre koppar kaffe och åt frallor med pumpakärnor och sambalost medan vi pratade om allt sådant man inte hinner säga ifall man inte träffas mer än någon gång i halvåret.
We drank at least three cups of coffe and ate sandwiches with pumpkin seeds and sambal cheese while we talked about all the things that there´s no time to talk about if you only meet once every six months.

Inne på Yerba har dessutom min Victoria en utställning utav sina magiskt detaljerade tavlor som får det att susa lite sådär i hjärtat och väcker en längtan att åka någonstans långt bort. De är till försäljning och jag skulle köpt varenda en om jag inte varit en fattig student.
At Yerba my friend Victoria is exhibiting her magical detailed paintings that brings to life a wind in the heart and a feeling to travel somewhere far far away. They are for sale and I would have bought every one of them if I hadn´t been a poor student.

Varje målning är döpt efter en låttitel eller en sångmening, mina favoritbitar visade sig. Victoria´s blogg hittar ni här!
Every painting have a songtitle or a song sentence for name, my favourite songs I noticed. You will find Victoria´s blog here!

Efter att vi fikat i mer än 1/6 dygn och var kaffeskakiga bestämde vi oss för att det nog var dags att gå. Det hade blivit mörkt ute och innegården som omger Yerba var så fasligt fin.
After having a coffee party for more than 1/6 of a day we decided to leave, a little bit shaky by all the coffe that gone down. The dusk had began to fall and the greens surrounding Yerba was utterly beautiful.

måndag 28 december 2009


På lördagskvällen gav jag mig än en gång ut i natten. Det söktes skydd mot snö och isiga gator i trevligt sällskap på stadens krogar. Spontant vilket alltid innebär hysteriskt roligt.
On Saturday I went out into the night. A few nice fellows were seeking protection from the raving snow and streets of ice in the pubs. Spontaneous which is always equal hysterical fun.

Vi drack några öl på Butler´s och tittade på alla femtiofem-åringar som svingade sina lurviga. En kinesisk man bjöd oss på tuggummi och tipsade om restauranger i Göteborg.
We had a few beers at Butler´s and watched the old folks doing their moves on the dance floors. A Chinese man gave us gum and tout about restaurants in Gotheburg.

lördag 26 december 2009


Vi åkte ut till Sara på ett snöstormigt Gustafsberg och år trerätters. Lisa stod för apelsinkanderad cheesecake, förmodligen den bästa någonsin.
We had a three course meal at Sara´s place, a snowstormy Gustafsberg. Lisa had made an orange candid cheesecake.

Vi drack vin och talade om världen och livet.
We drank wine and talked about the world.

Redan klockan nio begav vi oss ut i vimlet fast först stod vi i kö. Det är många som ska gå ut på juldagen.
We headed towards the clubs and the pubs at nine o´clock. There was a long line, a lot of people have their dancing shoes on at Christmas day.

Efter att fått en drink och någon bärs nedför mi klännngsrygg gick jag till Butler´s. Där var Lina.
After I got a drink and some beer spilled down my back I went to Butler´s where I met Lina.

torsdag 24 december 2009


Julaftonen lider mot sitt slut.
Jag är mätt trött och lycklig. Vi åt en sjuherrans massa mat och gotta och öppnade mängder utav klappar. Lagom odramatiskt, för dramatik är ju trots allt en del utav julen men iår serverades den i lagom mått.

Christmas eve is drawing to a close.
I´m stuffed, tored and happy. We ate a lot of food and sweets and wrapped up loads of christmas presentes. The drama was served in suitable doses, as in oppose to all the other years.

På fötterna bar jag dessa skodon från Carin Wester´s samarbete med Cheap Monday. De är ett utav de sämsta par skor jag köpt, har använt de tre gånger och i maxåtta timmar sammanlagt. Limmet har släppt så själva skon och klacken kommer förmodligen att dela sig nästa gång jag kastar en blick på dem.

I wore these shoes from Carin Wester and Cheap Monday´s collaboration. It´s one of the crappiest pair of shoes I ever bought. I´ve used them three times which adds up to a maximum total of eight hours. The shoe itself has come off from the heel so next time I cast a glance on them it is very likely that they will fall apart.

söndag 20 december 2009


The marvelous with being home during Christmas is that I got to experience the essence of Swedish winter. Heavy snow flakes settled as a layer on the ground, trees and roof tops and created a truly winter landscape which evoked the Christmas spirit even in my chrissy cynical heart.

I took the bus to the southern to meet some friends, have a few drinks and do the mandatory christmas shopping. Me and Sara went to a bar for a few beers.

We took the train to Malmö where they had lit up the city with all kinds of different innovative decorations. Among the Christmas market stalls we found a carousel.

The evenings was mostly spent at different bars/clubs. They involved a lot of laughter, dance and clothing layers-it´s an art form to dress suitable for -15 degrees outside and temperature á la discotheque inside.

Such a joker behind me doing the bunny ears. Made me laugh though, but that´s only beacause I´m easily amused.

Well, this was the summary of my mini holiday in Lund. According to the christmas gifts, I will shop all of them tomorrow, cause the other days I will be working as a dog.

onsdag 16 december 2009


Let the Russian weekend commence!
I´m going to the south of Sweden, Lund to be precise.

måndag 14 december 2009


So I´ve left England for Sweden where I´m currently enjoying my holiday.

lördag 5 december 2009


It´s past midnight, halv 1 actually and I´m spending the time by looking at people´s photos on facebook and holding conversation via msn as I listen to this song.

If I had no hair but just a black lipstick this is what I would look like.

This is what I look like when I have hair, black lipstick, a bow tied scarf in my hair, crammed up in bed, supported by pillows.

fredag 4 december 2009


Mall chain Esprit are using the young faces by Julia Restoin-Roitfeld (daughter of the editor of French Vogue) and Daisy Lowe to front their Spring campaign. The celebrity endorsement is a gesture Esprit hope will attract the cool fashion people.

Restoin-Roitfeld will be the face of the woman´s casual line while Lowe accompanied by her ginger boyfriend will appear in the advertising for EDC by Esprit.

The campaign is shot by Barnaby Roper in a car cemetary in the outskirts of L.A.