Jag hade stämt kafferep med en gammal vän. Vi gick till Yerba, ett kafé där föreståndaren bär ett litet förkläde och tycker om att prata om kaffe och thé i minst fyra timmar samtidigt som han drar i sin mustasch.
Today I met up with a friend for a coffee party. We went to a café called Yerba, where the owner wears a tiny apron and like to talk about coffee and tea for at least four hours at the same time as he pulls his mustasche.||
We drank at least three cups of coffe and ate sandwiches with pumpkin seeds and sambal cheese while we talked about all the things that there´s no time to talk about if you only meet once every six months.Inne på Yerba har dessutom min Victoria en utställning utav sina magiskt detaljerade tavlor som får det att susa lite sådär i hjärtat och väcker en längtan att åka någonstans långt bort. De är till försäljning och jag skulle köpt varenda en om jag inte varit en fattig student.
At Yerba my friend Victoria is exhibiting her magical detailed paintings that brings to life a wind in the heart and a feeling to travel somewhere far far away. They are for sale and I would have bought every one of them if I hadn´t been a poor student.||
Every painting have a songtitle or a song sentence for name, my favourite songs I noticed. You will find Victoria´s blog here!Efter att vi fikat i mer än 1/6 dygn och var kaffeskakiga bestämde vi oss för att det nog var dags att gå. Det hade blivit mörkt ute och innegården som omger Yerba var så fasligt fin.
After having a coffee party for more than 1/6 of a day we decided to leave, a little bit shaky by all the coffe that gone down. The dusk had began to fall and the greens surrounding Yerba was utterly beautiful.
ååh dem där målningarna (!!!)
SvaraRaderareally cool drawings
SvaraRaderaVilka fantastiska bilder!
SvaraRaderasvar: ja, det är alldeles underbart här. Tyvärr åker jag hem igen i Maj.
oh my vilka underbara tavlor!
SvaraRaderaI definitely want coffee now!
SvaraRaderaThank you for the comment. I'll be posting it soon. And I'm glad The Great Gatbsy is your favorite. Most people don't seem so fond of it.
Thanks for you comment! That really does sound like a perfect new years.. Whiskey close friends and some live music. I hope it went well for you! I had the best new years ever!!! I think 3 day festivals are the way to go :)
loove the drawnings they are so pretty! I hope you'll have a great new year :)
SvaraRaderaxx Birgit
beautiful artwork!